Makna Integritas Nilai-Nilai Keimanan dan Ketaqwaan dengan Pengajaran IPA dalam Era Globalisasi Informasi


  • Sholatul Hayati Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Al-Khairiyah


The values of faith and piety, Instructional of IPA, Information globalization era


The development of information that occurred in the third millennium is impossible to stop. Sources of information coming from the mass media, radio, television, internet and the like are rife in various parts of the earth. People will feel very behind information if they do not keep abreast of information both the actual local and world community through these media. Various facts show that the globalization of information and sophisticated technology has brought about the impact of moral and religious values ​​that have been adhered to. students (students), young people, and our society in general. The development of information and science and technology globalization clearly cannot be stopped, but that does not mean it cannot be filtered to be chosen in accordance with the spirit of our east which is laden with religious and cultural values. The advancement of science and technology, including information technology, cannot be avoided. But the values ​​of spirituality will be a powerful filter in dealing with various negative impacts caused by the speed of science and technology. Therefore, the teaching of various types of subjects in schools should not just convey verbal material, namely the delivery of knowledge for the sake of science itself. However, in providing the subject matter he cared for must always be directed at the formation of character, attitude, morality, and thought processes that are imbued with a sense of faith and devotion to Allah SWT.



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How to Cite

Sholatul Hayati. (2020). Makna Integritas Nilai-Nilai Keimanan dan Ketaqwaan dengan Pengajaran IPA dalam Era Globalisasi Informasi. Al Kahfi : Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini, 1(1), 22-37. Retrieved from