Implementasi Pendidikan Multikultural dalam Pembelajaran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan di SMA Taruna Bakti
Multicultural education, Civic educationAbstract
The purpose of this study is to be able to explore and study information about the implementation of multicultural education in learning Citizenship Education carried out by Taruna Bakti High School Bandung. The approach of this research is qualitative with descriptive methods, to reveal and understand the reality that occurs intensively in everyday life regarding the above phenomenon. Data collection techniques carried out through interviews, observation, documentation studies. The findings of this study are; 1) The application and process of ongoing civic-based Civic Education learning is accomplished through the steps: choosing topics and materials that can be integrated with multicultural education content using cooperative learning methods, learning resources namely books and contextual, students begin learning by praying through 2 way namely morning worship and pray according to their respective beliefs. 2) Supporting factors in multicultural PKn-based learning are students with diverse backgrounds, material that emphasizes harmony, audiovisual media, learning resources in the form of textbooks, films with multiculturalism nuances, learning evaluations that emphasize aspects of collaboration and student behavior. 3) Obstacles in the application of multicultural education in Civics learning do not look significant but the debate is based on momentary emotions and young age factors. 4) Efforts in overcoming the obstacles encountered, the teacher plays more role in overcoming debates and problems that arise and the school continues to make efforts to foster the development of student character that is mutually respectful and polite to all parties.
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Tersedia: pedagogik/ [Rabu 24 april 203]