Pengembangan Modul Pembelajaran Seni Budaya Dan Prakarya (Gambar Ilustrasi) Berbasis Tematik Di Kelas V Sekolah Dasar
module, drawing illustration, thematic, developmentAbstract
This research purpose to develop a product shaped learning module of art culture and workshop about thematic themed illustration in class V elementary school. Method uses Research and Development (R & D) with Borg & Gall models. The research was conducted at Elementary School of Islam Tirtayasa Serang and Elementary School of Masigit II Cilegon City. Research and development is done systematically starting from requirement analysis, product development, product validation, until product trial. The product is validated by material experts, basic education specialists, and linguists. Results from the analysis of the three experts showed an average score of 95.48 with very good criteria. The product was tested by two educators. Results from the analysis of both teachers showed an average score of 97.80 with very good criteria. The product is tested to the learner by two trials. The first trial, which is a test product that produces an average score of 92.10 with very good criteria. The second trial, the trial usage that yields an average score of 95.09 with very good criteria.This learning module contains is learning scheme, core competence, basic competence, learning flow, learning objectives, how to use learning module, instructional material that is adapted to the theme of learning, assignment, evaluation, answer key, summary, and glossary
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