Peran Orang Tua Dalam Menanamkan Akhlak Pada Anak Tunagrahita (Studi di SKh Al-Khairiyah Citangkil Kota Cilegon)
Orang tua, Akhlak, Anak tunagrahitaAbstract
Parents are a very influential figure in determining the morals of a child, because children are an afterlife investment, for parents who are well aware of the responsibilities and obligations of being a good parent. As parents, of course, we want to have children who are normal, healthy, and adorable. But today, there are some of us who are parents who get their children when born in the world in an abnormal condition or with special needs, which later in the process of growth and development have abnormalities, both physical and psychological. This study aims to determine the role of parents in instilling ahlak in retarded children. This study uses qualitative research with a descriptive approach, triangulation data collection techniques, namely data collection techniques in a combination of interviews, observation, and documentation. The result is by being responsible in the education of faith, morals, physical, intellectual, mental, and social as well as providing an example to children with intellectual disabilities, through the process of habituation, wise advice, attention, and monitoring.
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