Rumah Tangga Sebagai Lembaga Pendidikan Informal Pada AUD (Anak Usia Dini) dalam Perspektif Islam
Household, Education, Early ChildhoodAbstract
This paper describes the household as an informal educational institution in early childhood. Household here means the family environment which is the main place for a child to get an education. The household is called an informal education institution because the father and mother in the family become the first educators in the development process of the child's life. Parents don't just build friendships and do various family goals for reproduction, continuing offspring, and establishing affection. The main task of the family is to create an atmosphere of education in the family so that it gives birth to a generation of intelligent and noble character as a solid footing in the life and journey of human children
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Jurnal dan Internet diakses 11 Oktober 2018 diakses 11 Oktober 2018