
  • KHAIRUL NIZAM BIN ZAINAL BADRI Pusat Pengajian Al-Mansoorah


Ta'lim Al-Muta'allim, philosophy of knowledge, monotheism, positive, education


Imam Al-Zarnuji's book entitled Ta'lim Al-Muta'allim is no stranger to students in traditional educational institutions. The emphasis on manners and ethics in the process of teaching and learning as found in this book has given a tremendous influence to the residents of the hut in an effort to develop a noble personality. This book is unique because its debate is not only focused on manners and ethics that serve as an interface to the citizens of the traditional school among themselves and the surrounding community; but also covers the philosophy of knowledge that should be studied in its larger theme of discussion. This study seeks to examine the philosophy of knowledge contained in the book that is often studied by the residents of this hut by using a library approach based on qualitative methodology. The results of the study found that Al-Zarnuji’s philosophy of knowledge has the influence of idealism that emphasizes the ability to think and a positive attitude to succeed. In conclusion, idealism has great implications in the field of education as it builds qualities from a spiritual point of view in human beings.


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Author Biography

KHAIRUL NIZAM BIN ZAINAL BADRI, Pusat Pengajian Al-Mansoorah

Managing Director

2008 - Present  Pusat Pengajian Al-Mansoorah, Puchong

·         Establish an integrative learning center from pre-primary to secondary level

·         Establish a daily tahfiz education center

  • Introducing the study of hadiths at the primary school level
  • Involved in conducting guidance and counseling sessions to students and parents
  • Engaged in student motivation and education management programs
  • Engage in educational psychology programs with teachers
  • Advise preparation of master timetable and annual school planning
  • Advise the preparation of student co-curriculum and educational learning syllabus
  • Organize online learning schedules
  • Prepare syllabi and supervise study texts
  • Involved in the publication of books related to student motivation and guidance, especially the Sirah, Adab and Hadith sections


Head of Department

2000 - 2007  MIMOS Smart Computing Sdn Bhd, Puchong

§  Involved in the development of desktop and laptop products

§  Product Introduction

§  Product Training

§  Involved in the development of planning and coordination systems

§  Involved in the development and provision of ISO compliance

§  Engaged in 5S quality development programs


Lecturer (Part Time)

2003-2004 Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang

§  Involved with the teaching of database subjects in computer science programs

§  Engage with computer lab teaching

§  Involved in the preparation of exam questions for computer science programs

Project Engineer

1999 - 2000  Direct Energy Sdn Bhd, Setapak

§  Hardware testing in the Y2K Project

§  Documentation of site visits

§  Research on broadcasting products, and GIS-based products




1998 - 1999  Pusat Teknologi Pengurusan Lanjutan, Kota Bharu

§  Pre-Diploma Program Coordinator

§  Library Coordinator for Computer Science

§  Sports Program Coordinator



1998 Kolej Negeri, Seremban

§  Appointed as the head of unit and coordinator of the venture program with UKM

§  Teach subjects related to information technology



2018-2021  Lincoln University College, Petaling Jaya

·         Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology

a.     Gained exposure in the field of philosophy of psychology

b.    Gained exposure in the field of applied psychology and comparative studies


2008-2010  IAIN Imam Bonjol, Padang

·         Magister (Master) of Islamic Thought

a.     Gained exposure in the field of philosophy of Islamic thought

b.    Gained exposure in the field of Ulum Al-Quran and Ulum Al-Hadith

c.     Gained exposure in the field of Sufi and contemporary psychology


2000-2002  UiTM, Shah Alam

·         Master Science of Information Technology

a.     Gained exposure in the field of strategy management and information systems

b.    Gained exposure in multimedia and system management

c.     Gained exposure in the field of computer applications


1995-1998  UKM, Bangi

·         Bachelor of Information Technology (Hons)

a.     Gained exposure in the field of industrial computing

b.    Gained exposure in the field of statistics and modeling optimization

c.     Gained exposure in the field of telecommunications VSAT




Other Contributions and Achievements (Refer Attachment)

  1. Author of IT books, especially in the field of strategy and motivation
  2. Author of learning strategy books, sirah, a collection of motivational hadith, manners (adab) and thinking
  3. Winner of Essay writing competition organized by the Malaysian Historical Society
  4. Third place in 2010 and first place in 2015
  5. Has authored various academic papers and published in journals, conferences and magazines


Thesis writing list

  1. Doctor of Philosophy

Title “Psychological Studies of Al-Haddad and John Locke: Comparative Sufism and Humanism Thought and Implications for Potential Development in Modern Psychology”


  1. Masters (Islamic Thought)

Title “Fana’ (Annihilation) study according to the thought of Tuan Husain Kedah through the Qatr Al-Ghaisyiah Fi Ilm Al-Sufiyyah


  1. Masters (Information Technology)

Title “Implementation of E-Support technology: A case study in the Customer Service Department of MIMOS Smart Computing Sdn Bhd”


  1. Bachelor (Industrial Computing)

Title “Malaysian telecommunication system quality study: Analysis on VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal)”



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Rusdi. (2013). Filsafat Idealisme: Implikasinya dalam Pendidikan. Dinamika Ilmu , 13 (2), 236-249.

Syakir, M. (2017). Nasehat Ayah Kepada Anaknya Agar Menjadi Manusia Berakhlak Mulia. (M. F. An-Nadwi, Trans.) Surabaya: Al-Miftah.

Thohir, M. A., Citrasukmawati, A., & Dardiri, A. (2017). A Comparative Study on Sheikh Az-Zarnuji Thought and Idealism in the Philosophy of Education. Episteme , 12 (2), 411-433.

Wahyuddin. (2018). Konsep Pendidikan Al-Ghazali dan Al-Zarnuji. Ekspose , 17 (1), 549-561.




How to Cite

ZAINAL BADRI, K. N. B. (2022) “PHILOSOPHY AND CONCEPT OF KNOWLEDGE ACCORDING TO AL-ZARNUJI’S EDUCATIONAL THOUGHT”, Adz-Zikr : Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam, 7(1), pp. 1-13. Available at: (Accessed: 18February2025).